Here's how the recipe was put together.
Own Your Map- Process Summary Description
1) Began in eDesktop, start, ArcCatalog, opened IntroGis, created Week2OwnYourMap file, downloaded lesson file, unzipped. Found 3 files, somehow I had an extra OwnyourMap.mxd- deleted it.
2) To new map where layers were found, added Cities_feb04 and cntbnd layers to map, saved map.
3) Renamed layers for legend. Opened attribute table on cities. Moved attribute table out of my table contents. (Just kept trying until I eventually dragged it out. Attribute table opens across page now. Examined labels in Attribute table.
4) Created new layer of cities for county seat. On cities layer, selection, selection by attribute, found “feature” put into dialog- get unique value- opens list of options, clicked on “county seat”. Set up my inquiry “feature” = “county seat”. Apply.
5) On map. Back to cities layer to selection to create layer from selected features. New layer created, renamed County Seat, right click again to save it as layer. Did this same procedure for Capitol but used “name” = Tallahassee.
6) Experimented with sizing, color and shapes of attribute labels for cities, county seat and capitol.
7) Followed lab instructions for Layout view, had trouble having two paper sizes on screen, eventually deleted one and started over with second.
8) Added Neatline, tried various colors for background.
9) Added title. Had difficulty inserting actual text into box.
10) Added legend, went back into table of contents to fine tune listing of layers for best appearance on map. Re-adjusted Symbology for better appearance.
11) Added North Arrow.
12) Added scale
13) Added name, date and data source in text boxes. Again struggled getting text box to allow me to type into box.
14) Catalog Window did not show all my layers. Will look into what happened here.
15) Overall: more actions were smoother than before. Started over fewer times.