Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week10-Flow Maps, There's an art to it.

There is an art to making those arrows stay at the end of the line.  This week was an illustrator challenge that I'll battle again.  Flow charts are very fancy ways to show general information. It's a good tool for highlighting a particular "point" to be made.  Our task to reflect the world immigration to the USA for 2007.  We used actual data, collected what was missing, calculated our flow line size; then with all efforts fought to put it on the map.  Easier said than accomplished (at least for me). At some point I had to choose, fight the arrows or be on time. I took the latter.

Process Summary           Week10 Cartography- flow chart
1)       Moved data from drives r: to s:, created new folders & extracted files as needed.
2)      Opened table 3 data to determine data available.  Opened new excel file to obtain totals, countries for regions, percentages, etc. to determine values for flow lines.
3)      Created chart showing World Region Totals, percentage of US total. Used it to do formula given in lab for line size.  Will use four flow line sizes in chart.  Data breaks into 4 sizes by the line size.  A portion of this chart will likely go on map. Had to obtain totals for Central America, Caribbean and North America by using combination of both data tables. One to determine which countries were in each region, then 2nd table to get data to create totals for region.  Placed all on chart for later use.
4)      Obtained metadata from ArcCatalog before making maps. Both files have same projections so we’re alright here.  Created new map with both .shp files.  Began creating individual map layers for each world region.  Have 8 layers total.  Do not need USA with individual states. Do not need labels for each country, but printed out map with them to identify origin areas for flow map.
5)      Created base map: Week10Cart USImmFlow.mxd  made copy before converting.
6)      Added legend with region color scheme for legend, added addition map elements.
7)      In AI, sorting layers, world is made up of stripe layers, not good. Trashed this map, started over.
8)      Made new map in arcmap, took less than 45 min, good. Used regional shapefiles did not use USA with states or world.shp files. Saved copy & exported to ai for second  time.
9)      First line & a row ok. Europe line ok. Cannot get arrow to work at all without tip at end or beginning anchor point. 2 hours later arrow will not attach to line.
10)   Choice is to move on to add additional lines & enhancements or miss deadline.  Choose to miss arrow attachment.  Struggling with layers. At least the flow is visible.  Nearly reasonable.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 10-Data Editing. The Commissioner's Meeting

Our project this week truly reflects an actual project which I would have had to deal with at my local commissioner's meeting as the city/county attorney.   If we could have had drawings available to us like this on a regular basis we would have been able to address our citizens questions.  A clear visual such as this which answers:  Where is it?   Who is it next to?  How big?  What about traffic?  right off with a clear locator can clean up issues before they even get started.    

Here the premise:  Gulf County commissioners have purchased two adjacent tracts.  They would like to put in an extension office  also serving as an educational center.  You can here the comments already at a meeting.  This visual answers many questions before they become a problem. In the map a small reference is made to a new road. Here the commissioners can address at the same meeting with some of the same affected people, the addition of a subdivision road, using the same map.

Process Summary for Map Development

1) Created new folder for Week10DataEditing.  In ArcCatalog opened shapefiles to obtain metadata as needed.
2)  Followed Lab instructions for Part 1 & 2 obtained clean results with joined parcels highlighted as  desired.
3)   Part 3, followed instructions, road moved on subject county parcel with good results.
4)      Part 4, didn’t get it. Watch several tutorials on Youtube about editing & snapping.  I was having trouble on the order of the editing process. Now have roadpolygon.shp.  This turned out to be the wrong shape. Went back, deleted unnecessary files & created a line for street, then 25 foot buffer for full street.  This was better.
5)      On google earth located our proposed tax parcel tract, (Rish),  opened Florida quad directory in, zoomed into subject area to locate Wetappocreek qd 4943 as ours.  In Labins determined ftp path 
6)      On personal computer open filezilla, transferred all subquadrant files with . .aux, sid & swd to .flashdrive, then from flash to edesktop in new folder DOQQ qd 4943. Opened new data frame to place the quad in map. Zap! SW corner missing.  Back to look for missing files, had no missing. sw.sid copied in a variation of size. All were there.  Went back to recopy three sw quarter files. Moved through filevilla again. Success.
7)      Added required layers  to map in various combinations. Using StatePlane_N/MrSid projection 0903. Linear Unit feet.  So far with layers all are layering cleanly. When I’ve saved & reopened map all layers are reappearing in good position. 
8)      Using layer with combined features & road for legend.  Bright yellow to distinguish location on map.  Used “extent” of my data frame from the enlargement of the proposed parcel location. Set up inset on County map. Used extent for visual of original tract for comparison by citizens. Insured that property parcels were visible. If map is used in county commission meeting, people want to know where they are in relation to the location of the new parcel. 
9)      New road is on original county parcel map in blue.  In data frame individually it shows up well.  In smaller version on layout view its nearly lost.   In actual commission meeting this would not be a big thing but would be a small add on to discussion to pass resolutions etc at same time parcel would be discussed purely due to proximity to new parcel.  (Like an amendment).
10)      Good Exercise, realistic situation to portray.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week8 - Proportional Maps - Wine Consumption

Representing proportional information on a map just touches the surface of the actual data which it attempts to convey.  This form of mapping can be used to deceive in numerous ways. The maker is limited to the number of symbols the map can hold. Symbol placement is nearly arbitrary. It best used for generalizations.       How many liters were poured. According to the Wine Institute in the European Region I, for 2006, actual data shows as little as 16 in San Marino & as much as 3.4 million in France.

PART III: Process Summary Description
1)      Read Lab instructions through. Chose to obtain data first, used excel conversion that fellow student Andranio Baptista graciously converted from pdf to excel for us.  Thank you so much. Made remaining conversion edits as needed. Opened up wine2012.xls, labeled fields:2006_xls; Sq_rt; symbol_sz.
2)      Populated wine2012 with 2006 liter data, first created formula for sqrt, autofilled values. Sorted sqrt ascending with 16 as smallest value,  1842.53 as largest. Next created absolute scaling method by square root for values of my circle sizes.  Printed out results sorting by symbol size.
3)      Grouped data into classes by hand using natural breaks. Had seven divisions, narrowed to 5.
4)      Downloaded into new map  w_rldwinEuropean_Region. Made copy of base map for safekeeping. Saved as s:\week8_proportional-wine\proportional\ww-copy of worldwine consumption.
5)      Chose Mercator (world).prj for new projection.  Used arctools>data > management>projections>feature>project>select>projection coordinate system>world>Mercator (world)>
6)      Saved new map as wine_wgsworldmer. Closed arc, reopened new map added data new projected map  saved as

7)      Printed out alphabetized list of Region I countries. Used this list with attribute table of new map to select countries. Made new layer of Region I list. (Did data>export>GCS same as layer. Named layer wine_countries. Did same with non-region countries, created separate layer for them named, Non_RegionI.  Created layer for countries with no data to show them in separate color.
8)      Determined base color for Region countries.  Created inset map for enlarged area to be used for proportional symbol placement.
9)      Added legend  for countries. Added basic essential elements.  Saved copy of map as wine_wgsworld1.mxd before exporting to Illustrator. Made sure that country labels were activated before moving map.
10)   Now in Illustrator.   Saved copy of La:  
a)      Layer 1- Data covers 16-7000 liters – use 0.04 inch circle, use 3000 as legend definition- 12 dots
b)      Layer 2- Data covers  10,400- 26,500 liters – use 0.10 inch circle, use 26,000 as definition – 10 dots
c)       Layer 3- Data covers 51,600- 86,900 liters – use 0.15 inch circle, use 55,000 as definition – 8 dots
d)      Layer 4- Data covers 118,000-470,000 liters- use 0.34 in circle, use 300,000 as definition – 12 dots
e)      Layer 5- Data covers 1,060,000 – 113,658,000 use 0.68 in circle, use 1 Million as definition – 3 dots
f)        Layer 6- Data covers 2,733,200-3,394,900 use 1.15 in circle, use 3.4 Million as definition 2 dots.
11)   Locked unnecessary layers, for each layer, turned on name labels of country for each country in layer.  With the ellipse tool, added circle to map in each labeled country. Sized circle with dialog. Chose a base color for the circles.
12)   Placed circles in best location for each layer. Turned off circles to keep one layer of circles visible at a time until all layers on map.    Grouped each circle size together.  Added one of each size to circle legend.   After each layer had their circles, I turned on all to see where overlaps occurred.  Used transparency to adjust as needed to insure each size of circle was visible.
13)   Added index to circle legend and adjusted items as needed.  Final map saved as s:\Cartography..\Week8Cart_wine_wgsworld.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week7-Choropleth Mapping- Numbers Don't Lie, It's How You Stack Them

Oh those Census Takers. What do they do with all those numbers?    Our task was to present the change in US population by State  and then by Division between April1, 1990 and April 1, 2000.  Our first map was created in ArcMap then moved over to Adobe Illustrator for its final touches. It is classed using natural breaks. I manually manipulated the breaks to reveal a clearer division between those states which were on the border of the breaks.     After we completed the natural break map we used the same map in Illustrator to create our own equal interval classification. In this case, we used the census regional division, calculated our intervals, then revised the map to reflect the changes.  The outcomes were quite different.  I stretched myself by adding my summation chart to the map.  Still overcoming some procedural issues, I'm pleased with the final results.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week9- Rainy Days in Georgia - Isopleth

There are several songs about the rainy days in Georgia.  As nearly a Georgia native I can tell you that there are spots in Georgia you'd rather not be some times of the year because it seems like it's always rainy.    Our study of Isopleth maps more commonly known as contour maps clearly shows parts of Georgia get as much as 70 inches of average annual rainfall. 

In this exercise we were given raw data to manually interpolate to develop a precipitation contour map.  I've included a copy of my workmap to show the progression. 

1)    Opened Illustrator with   Printed copy for manual markup and coloring scheme for contour groups.
2)    Transposed resulting contours onto map with Pen tool.
3)    Created outline boxes, removed raw data points & values.  Increased transparency of base state to 45%.
4)    Created layers as necessary.  Created labels for each contour line.
5)    Added Title Box, North Arrow, paragraph with date, source & author of map.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Python is named "Vector"

Have you ever been camping?  Remember how you picked out your tent site. Not in a hole or dip in case it rained
Near some water, not far from the road (if you had a lot of stuff).  This exercise was a formal "pick the campsite" plan.
We had parameters with road and water buffers, then an exclusion.  It walked through buffers, basic analysis tools
with clip, extract, union, field additions, joins and overlays. 

Here's my Process Summary how I got there.

1)      Opened edesktop created folders, moved lab files to set up. Week9_Analy_model_vect2
2)      New map>added layer roads>opened on map smaller than postage stamp>fixed zoom in>to 1:150,000. Saved map as week9_intro_campground
3)      Arctools>analysis>Proximity>buffer dialog 
Input – roads      Output-s|… roads300mBuff
Linear unit-  meters       Distance 300               Field----
Side – full           End Type—round                    Dissolve—All  > ok   Looks like example
4)      Inserted new field into water layer  (reminder clicked water layer in TOC>open attribute table>clicked table options (in table window>drop down>add field> buffdist ok
5)      With water still highlighted TOC> Menu>selection>select by attributes> type=lakes> (lakes highlighted)  back to TOC>open attribute table>buffdist attribute >highlight>RT click>dropdown>field calculator> below in textbox 150>ok   switch selection>only river highlighted> buffdist 500.  Buffer amts in column.
6)      TOC=clear selections.
7)      Arctools>analysis>proximity>buffer dialog box>  Input – Water
Output-  s:\...wtrVUFFr500L150 (Distance set by buffdist attribute)
Field—buffdist  Side type—Full             End type- round          Dissolve Type – List (uses listed fields below)   so we check  buffdist in list  Done.  Shows up on map.
8)      Moved water up.  Recolored water and roads buffers. Added contrast color to water bodies.
 Step 3:
9)      Needed to correct name of Week9file. Had to close out arcmap, opended edesktop file directory, to file, renamed Week9_Analy_model_vect2, back to arcmap,  Week9_vect2_campground had no visuals & TOC layers had red exclamations beside them. The check boxes were transparent w/checks.  Unchecked 1st layer water,  went to add layers>found water.shp added back in . Everything came back ok.
10)  Opened Python window. >>> import arcpy[enter] >>> arcpy.Buffer_analysis [no space or enter] (“Roads”,”S:/INTROGIS/Week9_Analy_model_vect2/VectorII/RoadBuff100m”,”100 Meters”,”Full”,”Round”,”All”)[enter]
11)   Had trouble here. Made a typing error and could not edit it. Had to retype several times. Had various errors re: syntax, no python, etc.  had to go  and restart at this step several times.   Even though restarted time spent to this point was still less than 2 hours into lab.
Step 5- Beginning Union
12)  Added field “insd_rbuf” to roads300m_Buff layer, and Added field “insd_wbuf” to wtBUFFr500L150 layer.   When adding this field highlighted, rt cl>Field calculator to give this field a value of 1, for the later union action.  1=yes.
13)   Arctoolbox>Analysis>Overlay>Union dialog box
Input:   wtrBUFFr500L150 layer and roads300M_BUFF 
Output:  s/INTROGIS/Week9_Analy_model_vect2/VectorII/wtrrdBUFF_UNION
joinAttributes:   ALL                   no Gaps Allowed option as given in instructions>ok

14)  Froze up  on table contents issues.  At least saved map.  Glad did major power outage without warning. Slept. New start in morning.
15)   Created new layer for Roads Buffer area Between 100 m  & 300 m.  using  Erase tool.
16)   Separated out River & Lakes to separate layers using select by attributes.
17)   Clipped River only Buffer using Road Bet Buf layer,  Clipped Lake only Buffer with same.
18)  Performed union tool on Lake & River Buffer area sites. File: LakeRiver_sitesB4cons
Step 6: Excluding conservation areas.
19)   Performed Erase tool on Lake & River buffer area sites to eliminate areas within designated conservation zones. Lab said 4 entries, I had 3.
20)  Added conservation_areas layer, performed Erase leaving potential sites. Added area field, calculated geometry, added graph to map reflecting area results. Saved map as s:\INTROGIS\Week9_Analy_model_vect2\VectorII\Week9_vect2-campground.jpg

Friday, March 9, 2012

Week8-Vector 1-Analysis

No map this week.  We worked on two particular data selections: Selection by location then selection by attribute.  Our Metadata for the map layers and then our process summary follows.

1)      File name: Flood_Zones ---- Source: 2006 FEMA maps (objects 349)
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/flood_zones
o   Data Type: vector
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: polygon
o   Reference System:  GRS 1980
§  Projection Name: GCS North America 1983 HARN/Albers
§  Projection:  Albers
§  Datum:  D North American 1983
§  Units:  degrees

2)      File name: Major_highways--- Source: 2010, Florida Department Transportation Roads
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/
o   Data Type: vector   (count 59)
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: composite- polyline
o   Reference System: GRS 1980
§  Projection Name: GCS North America 1983
§  Projection: NAD 1983 Florida GDL Albers
§  Datum:  D North America 1983
§  Units:  degree

3)      File name: Superact_wells_esc  Source—Florida Law, Super Act (Chptr 376.3071), 5/2006
Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Act
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/Superact_wells_esc
o   Data Type: vector
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: point  (object count 153)
o   Reference System: GRS 1980
§  Projection Name:  GCS North American 1983 HARN
§  Projection:  Albers Conical Equal Area (FGDL)
§  Datum:  D-North American 1983 HARN
§  Units:  degrees

4)      File name: join_drain_super_risk
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/join_drain_super_risk
o   Data Type: file geodatabase feature class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: polygon
o   Reference System: na
§  Projection Name: Albers Conical Equal Area (FGDL)
§  Projection: Albers
§  Datum: D-North American 1983 HARN
§  Units:  meter

5)      File name: join_super_well2risk
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/join_super_well2risk
o   Data Type: file Geodatabase feature class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: point
o   Reference System:na
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection: Albers Conical Equal Area (fgdl)
§  Datum: D-North American 1983 HARN
§  Units:  meter

6)      File name: Pensacola parcels selection 3 (madeforflood information
o   S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/Pensacola_parcels_feb10_clip
o   Data Type: file geodatabase feature class
o   Feature Type: simple
o   Geometry Type: polygon
o   Reference System: (GDS 1980) not shown but is base for all metadata
§  Projection Name: Albers
§  Projection:  custom (GSC north American 1983 Harn)
§  Datum: D-north American 1983
                     Units:  meter

Process Summary starts here:

1)      In edesktop>s:drive>created week8dataana-vect1, moved fm r to s:>unzipped vector1. Opened Arcatalog under s:\introgis\week8… opened Lab7data.gdb\ began to record metadata for files Flood_zones, Major_Highways & Superact_wells_esc before beginning lab.
2)      On new map, opened vector1.mxd, first thing made copy of original map as Week8vector1.mxd, closed vector1, no changes opened up new map Week8vector1.
3)      First objective- Locate City of Pensacola parcels within 2000 feet of schools>Menu>selection by location- dialog box opens:
Select features from (Target layer) Pensacola Parcels
Source Layer – Pensacola Schools
Spatial selection method:  target layers features are within a distance of the Source layer feature
Yes to apply a search distance—2000 feet (ok searches on layer)
4)      Second Objective- Find parcels within 1 mile of a hospital (Wider area of source needed to include hospitals with a mile of city parcels at edge of city limits).
Menu>selection by location>dialog box:
Selection method: select from the currently selected features in (Pensacola Parcels left checked)
 layer: Escambia Hospitals
Target layers features are within a distance of the Source layer feature
Yes to apply a search distance   1  mile  (apply to keep layer choice open)
6)   Leaving the Select by Location Dialog open:
Selection method:  remove from the currently selected features in (leaving Pensacola Parcels as is)
Source layer: Rails -  the feature I do not want my parcels near.
Spatial selection method:   Target layers features are within a distance of the Source layer feature
Yes to apply a search distance   1 Kilometer  (apply instead of ok to stay in same function)
Still in Selection by Location dialog open:
Selection Method: select from the currently selected features in (Pensacola Parcels)
Source layer:  Escambia_cellular
Spatial selection method:  Target layers features are within a distance of the Source layer feature
Yes to apply a search distance   3000  feet  Hit ok to end this newly created layer.
8)      Opened attribute table to answer Q1.
9)      In TOC, Pensacola Parcels>selection>create layer from your selection>  layer at top of TOC “Pensacola Parcels selection”  renamed Parcels Nearby, map saved. Layer unchecked but default blue selection is still on map. Made a screen shot to record issue.  Have had this “it won’t remove” issue before.
10)   Step 2:  Adding “AND” for Parcels Nearby Layer to find Pensacola City parcels with 4 criteria above that are within the Enterprise Zones
Menu>Select by Location:  select from the currently selected features in:  Pensacola Parcels Selection
Source layer:   Enterprise_zones
Spatial selection method:  target layers features are within the source layer feature
No  to apply search distance-  apply  fewer parcels are showing. Ok
11)     TOC, >Pensacola parcels selection>selection>create layer from selection> new layer Pensacola parcels selection selection appears,>properties>symbology>Legend to label layer_EnterZoneLimit –Lost trying to find these parcels.  Backed up to end of Step1.  Studied and saw that the Enterprise zones are located as a selection under our original Pensacola Parcels.
12)     Deleted layer in 11.  TOC>Pensacola parcels>attribute table>see X listed>on PP layer>selection>create new layer from selection so I could see I’ve been successful. Ok.
13)     Using selected features as criteria to discover additional information.  With
14)     Menu>select by location>  Selection method: select features from
Target layer here: Superact_risk_features layer
Source layer: Pensacola Parcels ( use selected features) xx were selected as the sources
OK-  Back to TOC>on superact_risk_features layer>open attribute table, on selected feature. There is our target. Wow! This part worked.
Step 3:
15)  After some struggle first in TOC in top menu selections list comes up cleared old selections.
16)  Used this list later for reference. Main menu Selection>selection by location>select features from  Target: Pensacola parcels>source layer: Flood zones> Spatial selection>target layer features intersect the source layer feature> apply>ok -  selected 817 parcels.  Eventually figured to make this a separate layer   file path: s| S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/Pensacola parcels selection 3 (subname PenResd Parcels).
17)  Tried Select by attributes several ways, struggled.  Eventually got to correct combination.
18)  Select by Attributes>Layer: Pensacola parcels selection 3> Method: select from current selection “ Use_gen” = ‘Residential’.   Results were 666
19)  Finally.   It was the order of selection. Results on selection list in TOC, selected. 1st layer Pensacola parcels 817 2nd layer is Pensacola parcels selection 666. 
20)   Opened attribute table of Pensacola_parcels_feb10.clip (my subfile Pensacola parcels selection 3. On Market value>statistics>Sum, wrote in PS.
Step 4:
21)   Back to TOC displayed all water layers> on Superact_risk_features>joins & relates>joins  in Dialog box:  what do I want to join:  1-Layer  Drainage Basins 2-joining polygon to points
It falls inside:    3- file output S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/join_drain_super_risk.   (when selected layer, found vector1 file in directory, chose file or personal geodatabase and file for Lab7… came up. Clicked on it to open then file list appeared). OK, dots on map. Layer in TOC.
22)   Opened attribute table of new layer, found basin, summarize> new file:
S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdb/basin_sum,  See file listed last in layer list for map.  Opened summary attribute table & see it.
23)  TOC>superact_wells_esc>join>dialog:  join data from another layer based on spatial locaton
Choose layer:  superact_risk_features   2: joining points to points  Each point given attributes of point in layer….  3:  file path S:\ introgis/week8Dataana-vect1/Vector1/Lab7Data.gdbjoin_super_wells2risk.  After file showed in layer, went ahead and recorded metadata. Blue diamonds on map.  Good so far.
24)   Open attribute table and found answers to question 6.