Monday, July 30, 2012

Mod7- Finally, The lights are ON. Productive things to do.

Module 7,  Part A.
    We created a folder structure on the computer. How cool is that.   This was a connection section.  We walked through the code process of creating a directory, adding file folders, and a simple tool box for scripts.  It was good to see many little parts actually come together and be useful.     If one needed to do this as a regular part of their job, this little code (which took several hours to do) can save days worth of time in a year for a company.  

Part B.  It's called the Describe Method (dsc).   Really, its like pulling out parts & pieces out of  a file layers properties.   One can "call up" things like extent.  Extent in the common world would be how wide and how deep a camera lens covers a panorama.   One can ask the type of file- it is a line, polygon or dot( point) file, without having to go find it.  Then again, we can ask through the code if the file we are looking for even exists- that is if you know it's name.

Part C.  Do you like list?  We learned to call up lists. There are list of nearly everything.   Need a list of layers on a map, there's a list for that.  Need to know how many data fields are in your map layer or even what they are without having to put up the file & thumb through them.  Then the list thing is your thing to learn.  Apparently, once mastered, it can be an enormous time saver.

Useful things were learned.  Some code was written, some parts more successful than others.
Just when we start getting in the swing of the semester to learn real stuff, time is about to crunch on us with too much to learn, too little time.

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